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Writer's picture: Dana Peters-ColleyDana Peters-Colley



Revelation – understanding and wisdom come.

Ascension – this triggers assault. The only way to navigate this is to remain higher.

Condemnation – of enemy authorities.

Here we are. Week two. Did you spend time thinking about these three words and what they mean to you? I hope so.

I am adding a little to this, in light of what is playing out before our eyes.

Israel. The war that is ongoing now, May 16, it continues.

We are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel. I do not wish evil on anyone in the earth, Jewish, Arab or anyone. I pray for peace.

Yet, now I will explain a little about the prophetic. Maybe you already know this, but I come to you with it again. We are in serious times and it’s important we are wise and also, work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). I have seen people who came against God’s anointed ones – who are believers – and get judged for their actions. Let’s look at Moses, Miriam and Aaron. Moses, God’s anointed, married a woman his brother and sister did not think was the right one. They criticized his actions and judgment came down upon them. (Numbers 12) I do not in any way think I’m a Moses. I just give you this to caution you to rightly pray and ask God for truth in situations you might not understand. This is wisdom for us all.

With the prophetic, prophecy can be absolute or can be conditional. Since human beings decisions factor into God’s decisions. In the Bible, look at Jonah. He was forced to bring a word, he even fled from God so as not to bring the word, but after a harrowing ordeal Jonah obeyed God. Then, because there was repentance, God changed His mind and relented from destruction. (read Jonah) Current prophecy has the same level of consideration from God, but He will bring what He determines will ultimately fulfill His plans in the earth. I am not trying to scare you but these are serious matters before the Lord and our praying, considering, and following Jesus are of the utmost importance in the days ahead. So, as I share this with you, I’m probably the most unlikely person God might use – but I’m doing it because I love the Lord and want to obey.

I do not know what will happen with Israel now. I just know what the Lord shares with me – and I only receive a piece, as we prophesy in part.


Let’s move onto what I sense God is saying. He speaks a lot. Or He is perfectly silent. It depends on your attachment to Him, your purpose, and the plans He has to use you in the earth. Did you ever think of it that way – that you are here with a plan, a destiny and an assignment? He has that and it means much to Him to use you in whatever way He sees fit. He’ll place it inside you first, He will offer it into your life, and how you respond is how He will see fit to use you. So, if you like to drive, or you love to paint as I do, He will give it to you and then, show you how to proceed. Big or small it does not matter. Let me say that again to you – BIG or small it does not matter. He sees you. He uses you. And it’s about your relationship with HIM. So, rest in that. Enjoy Him. That’s the point. With the talents and the ways He meets you in your life, it’s about you and Him. And if you can find that, you will be blessed.

Okay, now let’s move into what the Lord shared with me. I may have to unpack this in several ways, but this is to teach you what He wants you to understand.

Most of us know, we ‘get’ the word revelation. Many of us can understand or sense when it is on the words someone is either sharing by speaking to us, or reading as we apply Scripture, or hearing. Revelation is the meat God brings to keep our spirits fed. Without it, we starve. That is why we are admonished to get into the word and get with other believers. We are encouraged to find where revelation is for us.

The body of Christ is a vast place. It is like God’s earth. In nature, there are many places. There are deserts. There are forests. There are islands. And mountains. It goes on and on. In the body, it is like that, too. God didn’t just make one kind of people. We are diverse. Unique. Equipped for different things. That is what God is and He made us the same way. So, we do not fit inside one way of doing things and the body better get this. It’s so ME-CENTRIC of us to think everyone has to do life like us. It’s just not true and it is SO SMALL that God is done with it.

It's one of the reasons God has come and allowed what’s happening to happen. In 2020 we are all tipped on our sides and we are to be shaken like no other time to get us loose and free to be able to be what God has destined. He is not messing around. You will NOT return to a normal life, whatever that is, ever again.

So, God is now bringing to the earth more revelation that ever before. He will be standing and doing this thing. The earth will shake with signs. It will appear with wonders. And God is going to do some new things, things He has not done before to accomplish the preparation for His Bride in the earth.


Now, let’s move to how you will prepare. This preparation is what Ascension is about. Jesus went through great things to give you this ability. If you are the Bride of Christ, if you belong to the Lord, if you are ready and prepared to abide in Christ than this is where you need to move to. If you don’t, you may be swept away with the rest of the earth.

I am here to tell you, God is very serious now about what is happening. It is a time to be seated at the right hand of God, where your Brother, your Savior, Jesus has made a place for you to be. You must get up here. You must study and discern at a spiritual level so that God can move in the earth as He will do it anyway. Your prayer life, your abiding must become foremost in your heart.

This is a time NOT to look at what He is doing with others. Get off that. It is a time to focus on what He is doing with you, how He wants to use you now. But you can only do that if you have found Him in your life, put Him in charge and handed Him all your keys. So, you move from the driver seat to the passenger seat – in the car – the transportation – the way that God is leading you. He really is done with the petty nonsense of the church now. He is building the greater Church with its assignments.

So, to unpack this – if you receive revelation and then, move into a place with the Lord now, you won’t be hurt with what is coming – and is already here. That is what I am telling you. Do you understand? If you perish, you are with Jesus if you are His. If you are still on this assignment, then, occupy until He comes.


Okay, now, we move to Condemnation. That word kind of jilted me until God explained it. When He said it was to deal with enemy authorities, it made sense. God is showing them. They are rising as never before and that’s what we have all been seeing.

The world is arrogant, isn’t it? And it does not see nor respect the authority that is inside God. But that is what God is doing. He is allowing these things to shift and it came quite swiftly. We all were shocked that our world turned overnight and it was pretty bad.

All of it arrogantly parades itself before the Lord. The enemy is deceived into thinking He can run the earth and do this, when in reality, it was given to Christ at Calvary and it belongs to Him.

So, where we are now is that it rises. It stands. It plays out. And we are the sheep, the fish, wondering what is going on. Well, God strategically is changing all the earth before our very eyes. We receive revelation, as I did to bring you the understanding. Then, my job is to get as close to the Lord as I can, to obey, to listen, to find the rest and rhythms of God and then, stay there with Him. Then, He will judge the earth. He will do this thing – this dealing with the enemies that have set themselves against Him. So, if you are listening, He will guide you. You must obey Him. Not me. Not anyone but the Lord at this time. Get in your word. It will protect you. Seek the advice of what Scripture provides.

Now, the Lord shared more with me. And it is great the visions I saw. So, return next week to see what that means.

Also, think upon what is true and of good report. Do not let the enemy deceive you. He is playing a hard hand right now – on the air waves. It’s a scam. It’s not real. And if each time you watch it, you are troubled, it’s not God. The Lord does not move that way. He moves through that gentle small voice, remember? So, ignore what is the frequency of chaos. It’s fear disguised as authority. And it’s not true. Rest in the Lord. Find Him and discover Him. Get away from the fear and chaos that are swirling. Ascend. Abide. Do your life and ignore this mess. God will show us what to do. You can trust Him as can I. Now go.

There is another big component God shared with me and I will unpack that in the next posts. It's global big. So, if you feel led, please sign up to the blog and get more of what God revealed to me on 5/7/2021 and in the future.

Dana Peters-Colley

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