More Embarkment...
The Lord continues to open my eyes to share what He is doing in the earth.
As you remember from my last blog post,, the word embarkment was highlighted.
Today, May 21, 2020, the gentle words from the Holy Spirit said more embarkments are coming. I sense many traveling into His Presence now. They will enter the Ark - a place of refuge from the storms and crisis in this hour. They will bring family members along with them. They will find rest and secure positions inside the place God brings them.
When Noah entered the ark, he brought his family. The place they entered was one God instructed Noah to build.
Have you been building? Have you been listening to the Holy Spirit‘s quiet voice in your life? He is readjusting everything.
We are in week nine for me - of this pause button placed upon the world. It’s a time of looking in, letting go, and seeking. We learn to rest, trust, to position ourselves in God and press into Him for answers.
Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:36-42
These embarkments will prepare the church, the Bride, to transition into the likeness of Christ. We will prepare and get ready to meet our Savior. We will prepare as the shifts in nations and the world continue.
These embarkments will get us ready as never before to enter into heavenly places. We are heaven bound. Each time, you will learn new ways to rise up into more of your spirit man. You will let go and trust that I Am has you.
None of us thought these were the days of Noah would look like this. But God is assembling His people. He is putting all things into motion for the greatest end time harvest of souls. The Lord is doing it. Man gets no glory for what will play out before our very eyes. Pride will be spit out before Him. Self-promoting ministries, grand standing, men pleasing, fornicating, money grabbing, back stabbing. God is done. He won’t tolerate any more performance. Flesh. It will be swept away as the great day appears. God is looking for the sincere. The love. The kind. The generous. The beloved saints who worship and adore Him.
Are you one? Does your heart open for the One. Jesus. The Messiah. Holy. Son of God.
The embarkments come.
Answer the call. Come Lord Jesus. Come!
The embarkments are coming!

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